Public Companies Bury Wildfire Risks
Wildfires in California

Public Companies Bury Wildfire Risks

Only a fraction of public companies cite wildfire risk in required disclosures

Listen to NPR Cap Radio's Insight interview with Professor Paul Griffin, the lead author of a new report, who explains why wildfire risks aren't being properly disclosed by publicly traded U.S. companies and the potential impacts. 

Europe’s Mild Winter: Energy Blessing but Farmer’s Curse
Warm winter risks curbing crop yields at a time when farmers are already struggling with fertilizer shortages | Guillaume Souvant/AFP via Getty Images

Europe’s Mild Winter: Energy Blessing but Farmer’s Curse

Professor Paul Griffin tells Politico that further pressure on food prices comes from the uncertainty created by climate change, as Europe not only gets warmer, but its weather patterns also become more unpredictable.

Wildfire Threats Not Commonly Disclosed by U.S. Firms Despite Risk to Economy
Helicopter over fire sky

Wildfire Threats Not Commonly Disclosed by U.S. Firms Despite Risk to Economy

Wildfires in the U.S., especially in Western states, increasingly pose a significant risk. Yet, according to new research by Distinguished Professor Paul Griffin, only 6.1% of U.S. firms with wildfires in their headquarters county mention wildfire

The Impact of Mandated Pay Gap Transparency on Firms’ Reputations as Employers
Equal Pay

The Impact of Mandated Pay Gap Transparency on Firms’ Reputations as Employers

Professor Greta Hsu and Associate Professor Elizabeth Pontikes showed effects a U.K. law mandating disclosure of gender pay gaps were more limited than might have been expected—with a short-lived boost for firms reporting near-equal pay, and no detectable change for firms with high pay gaps. 

Does Proximity Bias Give You an Edge at Work?
Two employees watching someone on Zoom- iStock photo

Does Proximity Bias Give You an Edge at Work?

Professor Emerita Kimberly Elsbach says facetime can make a difference in promotions—and more

Dean H. Rao Unnava previews Elsbach's research cited by the Freedom Forum on the impact of ‘proximity bias’, where people physically present at work enjoy career benefits compared to remote workers.

New Strategies for an Uncertain Future
AACSB Strategies for an uncertain future - iStock image

New Strategies for an Uncertain Future

In his AACSB article co-authored by Dean H. Rao Unnava and Sarah Nutter, they note universities and business schools must now embrace new educational formats and financial models to thrive, including options for lifelong learning.

HR Executive Paul Bianchi Shares Ethical Framework with New Full-Time MBA students
A lecture from Paul Bianchi

HR Executive Paul Bianchi Shares Ethical Framework with New Full-Time MBA students

Impact of decision-making in building values-based cultures

With over 25 years of leadership service as a human resources executive, Paul Bianchi shared notable lessons with our new Full-Time MBA class of 2024 as part of our onboarding experience.

Paul Griffin on How Climate Risk Could Bring a Series of Recessions
UC Davis Podcast, the Backdrop

Paul Griffin on How Climate Risk Could Bring a Series of Recessions

In an interview on the UC Davis podcast, “The Backdrop,” Distinguished Professor Paul Griffin shares new research that finds the economy could be plunged into recession—or a series of recessions—because financial markets don’t account for climate

New Board of Fellows Deepens Our UC Davis Collaborations
2022 GSM Faculty Board Fellows group photo

New Board of Fellows Deepens Our UC Davis Collaborations

Teaming up on business and management-related research and teaching

A new boundary-spanning interdisciplinary faculty group will further connect the School to the university by partnering with UC Davis scholars who have complementary interests.

Defining My Leadership Style at UC Davis
Deepi Agarwal MBA 22 at Collaborative Leadership Retreat in Monterey

Defining My Leadership Style at UC Davis

Collaborative Leadership Program becomes foundational to my future

What makes a great leader? Deepi Agarwal MBA 22 shares insights from her UC Davis experience in the Collaborative Leadership Program and a three-day retreat with C-suite executives.

The Importance of Fashion Gatekeepers When Using Fur on Runways
Fur coats on a rack

The Importance of Fashion Gatekeepers When Using Fur on Runways

Professor Greta Hsu and Emory University Professor Giacomo Negro share how a social movement and influential global fashion magazine Vogue successfully challenged the morally problematic use of fur in fashion.

Pursuing Your MBA: 5 Must-Know Tips to Become an Expert Marketer
Marketing lecturer Vanessa Errecarte

Pursuing Your MBA: 5 Must-Know Tips to Become an Expert Marketer

Amplify word-of-mouth marketing with five surprising strategies

Sharing from her marketing courses, Lecturer and Online MBA Teacher of the Year Vanessa Errecarte details how to best combine high-converting content with the right tools and tech.